Sunita L. Williams Elementary School PTC

Sunita L. Williams Elementary School PTC


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The Sunita Williams PTC Welcomes YOU!

The Sunita Williams PTC is dedicated to enriching the education of our children and fostering a sense of community at Sunita Williams Elementary School (“SWES”). We work with the school’s administration and teachers to provide services, funding, volunteer support and programs that enhance the school experience.  We also plan some fun community building events! And the best news is as an SWES parent you are automatically a member of the PTC!

We encourage you to support the PTC by volunteering at one of our events or in the school.  This is the best way to meet other parents and to see the school in action!

To find out more about the Sunita Williams PTC check out our website a and be sure to like our Facebook page @SunitaWilliamsptc.  As a member of our school community you will also receive our PTC blasts by email giving you information on all the latest PTC news! 

Please don’t hesitate to contact one of us if we can be of further assistance.

Have a great year!

Kim Karelis and Jessica Voskanian
PTC Co-Presidents

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